COVID19-A possible second wave

COVID19 Pandemic
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Fear of new outburst is reigniting doubts about COVID19, which has already infected 9,920,088 people worldwide and killed over 497,261. Over the past weeks, the data continuously shows an abrupt number of cases amidst relaxation of lockdowns. Several countries are evaluating imposing the lockdowns again to flatten the curve.

The major factor in recommencing the economic activities were the losses incurred during the lockdown phase which many countries were unable to coup. Eventually, forcing the companies and people to take substantial risk.

Lack of education and resources resulted in overlooking of imminent threat, of exercising the basic precautions.

The economic situation has forced the governments to ease out the situation, in order to save further damages. Yet the responsibility on governments, companies and individuals is immense. The pandemic is not over yet, following the basic precautions is mandatory to avoid any further escalation of situation.

The research is still vague and there is no vaccine developed to treat the patients. Precaution is the best practice in order to protect yourself as well as others. Wearing face masks, frequent washing hands, exercise physical distancing are the baseline defense.

#covid19 #covid19responsibility

Photo by Ketut Subiyanto from Pexels

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