Facebook yet again! admits to wrongly sharing user data with third-party apps

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“But recently, we discovered that in some instances apps continued to receive the data that people had previously authorized, even if it appeared they hadn’t used the app in the last 90 days. For example, this could happen if someone used a fitness app to invite their friends from their hometown to a workout, but we didn’t recognize that some of their friends had been inactive for many months.” Konstantinos Papamiltiadis, VP of Platform Partnerships

It started in 2005 when researchers from MIT downloaded information about 70,000 users with their script.

In 2007 Facebook had to pay US$ 9.5 million to settle violation of Video Privacy Protection Act, when user information about their Video preferences was leaked.

In 2009 some information user’s entered in profile thinking it to be private, was found to be shared publically, following an FTC investigation.

In 2013, Facebook disclosed details of a bug that exposed the personal details of six million accounts over approximately a year. 

In 2014 Cambridge Analytica scandal rocked the Facebook users yet again with fear of inadequate security and privacy control of Facebook. The case was strictly scrutinized through 2018 by court and eventually led to closing of Cambridge Analytica. Facebook was fined US$5bn for inappropriate data sharing.

Facebook is repeatedly being criticized for criminal sharing of user data and information’s with multiple advertising networks. These accusations have come through reliable media and scientific channels.

There are repeated accusation of data sharing not only by Facebook but all the other social channels over time, which shows a comprehensive lack of security or a possible a money evolved business sales. With development of newer technologies, more of these are being uncovered.

The eventual responsibility rests on individuals specially the young generation, to know what they are allowing to the apps in sharing.

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