Sugary Drink-Impact on health

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Sugary drinks or more commonly Soft-Drinks have become an essential part of our life, particularly in developing countries.

The consumption of sugary drink is rising dramatically due to widespread urbanization and powerful marketing, with young adults more prone to fell victim of the adventurous advertisements.

On an average these drinks have 30-45 grams of added sugar, which parallels 8-12 teaspoons, in a single can. For optimal health, the World Health Organization (WHO) recommend consuming no more than 6 teaspoons of added sugar daily. By drinking just one serving of cola a day, a person will easily exceed this amount. Essentially these drinks provide so many calories and virtually no other nutrients.

  1. Obesity

A significant number of studies have shown a direct association of Sugary drinks and obesity. Higher consumption is also associated with insulin resistance.

  • Diabetes

There is a higher risk of Type-2 Diabetes associated with high intake of Sugary drinks evidenced in numerous studies. This diabetes is secondary to obesity due to high amount of processed sugars and insulin resistance.

  • Dental erosion

The high acidity and sugary ingredients of SSB’s cause tooth enamel and cavities. If you add in low levels of calcium due to vitamin deficiency, you can end up with your teeth rotting inside and outside.

  • Anxiety

Along with sleep deprivation, anxiety is a side effect of consuming caffeine. Sleep dissatisfaction, tiredness/fatigue and late bedtime are the common finding among people with high intake of Sugary Drinks.

  • Heart and blood problems

An increased level of cholesterol increases the chances of a heart attack. Majority of sugar contained in these drinks is converted to fats. Evidence suggests that high-sugar diets can lead to obesity, inflammation and high triglyceride, blood sugar and blood pressure levels — all risk factors for heart disease

  • Skin Problems

These drinks increase the blood glucose level quickly, which in turn can alter androgen secretion, inflammation resulting in Acne development. Some studies have also found higher sugar level to be associated with accelerated skin aging process.

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