Success – Fate or Hard Work

Our Lives
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A long debated question if we can change our lives by hard work than what is the impact of fate on our decisions? The history is filled with stories of successful people who argue their success to their own hard work. As we dig down their lives it seems pretty obvious that behind every successful person there is a list of failures, one thing common in all these cases is the consistency, the failures didn’t pushed them back rather gave them a new spirit to work. And yet, still there are many who do not succeed by world standards.

The major question remains what is Success? Does it mean having an enormous wealth? It needs a careful analysis of what actually contributes to be successful. Let’s look around, this is a world of cut throat competition, we all have different meaning of success, for majority its money. Lives of billionaires and superstars marvels a lot and everyone dreams to be the same. But are they happy as well?

Thousands of stories lure on internet, but nobody peeps at the back of these so called successful people, the agony and pain they suffer. Loneliness and depression are the most common disorders which are on the rise. Check the statistics of drug abuse, divorces and suicides amongst them.

The crime rates also reflect the direction where this greed is pushing our generations. The greed for money overshadows the basic human beliefs which eventually has a devastating effect on our minds and life.

Yet on the other side of spectrum, you will find many people around you, who are contended.

The eventual truth of being successful is to have a balanced life. A hard work, and a good family and social life. The ups and downs will be there, but we have to keep our faith. Connected to your faith gives you the strength during difficult times and a sense of thankfulness in good. Remember, you can control your destiny that are the opportunities, but you cannot control your fate. Life is an experience, its only once, so make the best of it.

Fate means seeing the hand of God move clearly through your life, even with your eyes closed. Rusty Fischer

Photo by August de Richelieu from Pexels

Photo by Rodolfo Clix from Pexels

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